Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is on an empty lot, right in the middle of the Make It Right development in the 9th ward. Above is an image of Raymond, her family is visiting and hoping to move to the area. A great sign of progress. Check out and let me know what you think. I am glad that MIR is helping on such a large scale but how is this new image going to play in the culture and the environment?
Interview for Tony from Raymond
R:what are you doing?
T:i am on a road trip to bring art to people and hopefully make some people smile
R:are you married
R:do you have kids?
R:do you have a girlfriend?
R:so you don't have anyone to do stuff with or hang out with
T:not now
R:so you're all alone then?
T:haha i guess so
R:is that the police?
T:oh man...
Security guard Glen rolls up in a black pick up, flashlight in hand "Sir you have to get off this lot, you're on private property"

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